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Meet the Team


The Name:

Direct Action Dad was chosen as a name for several reasons. Firstly, every founding member of our organization is currently, or was, in Special Forces (“SF”) and one of our core missions in SF is “Direct Action.” Direct Action refers to the short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions employing specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets. Additionally, we believe that dads need to be directly involved in the raising of their kids to teach respectful manliness, honor, integrity, and many other values. That’s not to say that mothers can’t teach their kids these values, yet we also believe that there is no replacement for a manly role model in a child’s upbringing. Thus, Direct Action Dad was born.

(If you accidentally put an “s” on the end of our name we apologize. A Chinese company bought the website with our plural name within an hour of us buying ours. Currently, there is nothing that can be done, and we refuse to pay companies that capitalize on the small business owner.)

The Current Logo:

After ongoing discussions with founding members, and professional designers we determined the origional logos lacked the “logo” feel. The design of this logo includes the word D.A.D. with the first D backwards to form a shield. Fathers are dedicated to protecting and providing for their families and shield shape represents that dedication. The wings on either side are meant to represent the fact that every dad must also teach his child to explore, learn, and ultimately fly on his or her own path in life.

The OG Logo:

Seven Special Forces Soldiers and the middle soldier holding a child. This design is to symbolize the benefits of having multiple teammates to provide support, encouragement, guidance, and mentorship through parenting. SF Team members (the good ones) will drop everything to help out a fellow teammate in need no matter what. In this logo, all silhouettes were drawn using real photographs of the original 7 teammates that assisted in planning, organizing, and growing this group to what it is today.

The Second Logo:

As SF Teammates offered to assist in the development of this community, I realized having more than 7 people in the logo wouldn’t work. Additionally, I wanted to make the logo more fun and child-friendly with colors, playfulness, and enjoyment. We believe a child allowed to explore and at times get injured, is a necessary part of development and resiliency. So, we decided to have the children climbing, jumping, swinging, and hanging from the logo as a reminder to let kids have fun and get hurt (as long as any injuries are minor).

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