
MSG.(Ret) Jarion Halbisen-Gibbs BIO

Hi, my name is Jarion Halbisen-Gibbs, but everybody calls me Jar. I enlisted in the US Army in 2002 as an 18X. I graduated from the Q course as an 18B and was assigned to the 10th SFG(A) in 2004. I spent the next 12 years fighting the GWOT alongside the most extraordinary men I've ever known. I was medically retired as an 18Z in 2016 due to injuries sustained in combat.

Like any professional athlete forced to leave the "game," I had/have issues letting go. Luckily for me, another mission was approaching: "Becoming Dad." My son was born in Dec 2008. I wasn't around much for the first eight years of his life due to deployments, travel, professional development, etc. Becoming a dad was a natural fit, and I wouldn't change it for the world. Watching my son grow up, influencing him, learning alongside him, and setting him up for success mentally, physically, and emotionally have become my main focus in life. To say that I'm proud of him would be a severe understatement.

I look forward to meeting, working with, and learning from each and every one of you.

De Oppresso Liber,
